Jack Tiesing, Bill Janes, Don Williams, Duke

Duke Essary, Don Williams

Sean, James, and Judy Sheehy

Paul Zawicki

Jack Tiesing and Bob Hamilton, Inventors of the
War Story Machine - Second Edition
Don Williams adds his approval

The Original War Story Machine, Wrought at Bear
Cat -- Seen Here at Dong Tam.
Photo Courtesy of Paul Zawicki

Don Snyder, Jack Tiesing, Don Williams

War Story II - Control Panel

War Story II

War Story II

Embarking for a Sail in Baltimore thanks to Paul

Jack Tiesing, Karen, Paul Zawicki, Helly, Irene

Bill, Paul, Irene, Karen, Jack

Jack, Karen, Paul, Helly, Irene

Ft. McHenry in the Background

Getting the boat shipshape at the end of
the day

Baltimore Harbor

More of the Crew

At the Reunion - Remembering

Bill Janes back in the Saddle again

This Bud's For you - 4th of July Parade

Paul and Bill

At the Capitol for July 4th, 2000 Fireworks

Just a sample of a fabulous show

2 a.m. False Fire Alarm at the Renaissance Hotel

D.C.'s Finest Firemen keeping us safe